A pleasant way of remembering the craziness of the 80's & 90's
2 August 2023
A very interesting movie about the back story behind the craziness of the Beanie plush toy ...I remember the beanie babies ...who crazy people where getting with them...it depict rather well how crazy the last part of the 80's, the 90's. The social trend of the day, the arrival of the WWW/internet. All this with a very good rhythm.

How this young woman daughter of immigrant saw that the net could be used to measure demand, increase sale etc she was year ahead of the rest. It also depict the founder of the Ty Toy Corp. How this man-child could manipulate people while maintaining his child like creativity. This emotionally abused man was generous only to outsider, to insider he was repeating the pattern he learn from his father.

Based on some of the truth behind the crave that was the beanie babies ...fetching price on the after market that parallel the tulip bulb in the Renaissance Holland...(the first but not the last case study of crazy speculation cause by imbalance between desirability & limited supply).

The choice of going back & forth could be an issue for some. But it does finally make a circle on itself.
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