Garbage. Stick to the Original.
28 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is TERRIBLE. I love the book, and the 1974 film adaptation did well for its time. This remake is completely pointless! The pacing is bad, the dialogue is rushed, and Dave Matthews' acting is even worse than his music, which I would not have thought possible. This has none of the heart and emotion of the book or the first movie. Small changes from the book and the first movie make no sense. The coon hunts supposedly happen at night, but it's bright as midday. During the storm it's supposedly raining very hard, yet there is a ton of dust kicked up. The modern music in the soundtrack is very jarring and doesn't fit the scenes or the time period. The dogs are great, but even they couldn't save this train wreck. All in all it hits like a poorly-made-for-tv movie. Complete waste of time.
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