The Company You Keep
18 May 2023
ABC, you doomed this excellent series.

By airing "The Company You Keep " late Sunday nights (instead of in prime time), you never gave it a chance with intelligent viewers who get up early Monday morning for work. Many early Monday morning risers never had a chance to even notice that this fine series existed. The cast is excellent, the chemistry between the characters and story line are interesting and and I couldn't wait for each new episode (to watch these complicated characters relating to each other throughout their differing, and often opposing, individual objectives.) The Company You Keep is SO much more interesting and enjoyable to intelligent viewers than many of the series ABC decided to keep. ABC doomed this wonderful series by airing it in a time slot where many potential enthusiastic viewers are preparing for, or are already retired for the night in preparation for a busy work week.

Why don't you give it a chance by airing it mid week in prime time, where intelligent viewers could notice it and enthusiasticsly support it? Put it in prime time in place of one of the mediocre mind-numbing programs that you did decide to renew; or sell it to another platform to do it justice and give it (and us viewers )a chance to experience and enjoy the unfolding of the rest of this interesting storyline and the chemistry of the complicated relationships between these intriguing characters portrayed by this excellent cast.

'The Company You Keep' Canceled After One Season At ABC - Deadline.
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