The Big Door Prize (2023– )
Temporizing and Very Unfunny
30 March 2023
The series hasn't finished airing but I can safely say that it's not worth finishing.

TL;DR: It's very dull. It's concept is too shallow for a full tv series, it takes it's sweet time getting to the point, while nothing funny happens. In short it's alright as some background noise.

It's meant to be a Sci-Fi-Ish Dramedy however it has few actual jokes, instead it uses mostly banter and sarcasm. Which at best: Makes you smirk, and at worst: Makes you painfully bored.

The actors are alright but no one in particular was great. The characters are completely forgettable, there is nothing to say about them. This makes the drama fall flat because as the audience we aren't invested enough to really care.

It also tries to be suspenseful and uses the laziest tactics known to man; it withholds information from the audience, teasing them with what they want to know, right until... the next episode button pops up.

So many shows do this now, all you're doing is holding our curiosity hostage, making us click next episode till we get closure (which we won't).

Good suspense is when, we the audience know more information than the characters know, but doing this requires having characters that we care about, so usually bad writers deprive us of important information to keep us invested, instead of providing anything interesting to watch.

Maybe it gets better but so far this show is just so painfully dull and unfunny. I can't really see this appealing to anyone.
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