Review of Elvis

Elvis (2022)
Incredibly Annoying
16 February 2023
Austin Butler's performance as Elvis Presley is quite literally the only saving grace in this whole godforsaken movie.

Not even Butler's inspired performance could save this absolute dumpster fire of a film. Elvis is one of the most vapid, obnoxious, superficial, headache-inducing movies I've seen in I didn't even know how long. Elvis is so bad that it actually makes Bryan Singer's Bohemian Rhapsody look like a masterpiece. I despise this movie, and I knew that I would which was why I put off watching it for so long.

Baz Luhrmann is one of the very few filmmakers that I legitimately loathe. Both Romeo and Juliet and The Great Gadsby were two of the most cringe-inducing films I've ever seen. To say that Luhrmann's movies are all style and no substance would be the understatement of the century. I knew within 10 minutes of watching Elvis that Luhrmann had no genuine intentions of telling an authentic and mature story about Elvis Presley. Instead, he was more focused on making a 2 and a half hour music video that has even less depth and heart than Elvis's Wikipedia page.

Baz Luhrmann's directing style is so aggressively annoying that it feels like he's trying to cater this movie to an audience of ADHD-stricken toddlers. The editing in this film felt like it was done by cokeheads. Most shots in this movie lasted less than 5 seconds. I know that because I counted. This movie cannot sit still. On top of that, there is the classic Luhrmann trademark of adding crappy pop and rap music to all of his films which never works and always feels out of place. This movie even went as far as taking Elvis' songs and remixing them with random modern pop artists. The most nauseating example of this was when they remixed Viva Las Vegas with Britney Spears' Toxic. I'm not kidding.

This movie feels like a bad joke. All the authenticity that was desperately needed in order for the film to have any sort of emotional impact gets completely wiped out by Luhrmann's overly flashy visual nonsense. I felt nothing watching this movie, even in its most dramatic moments.

There were numerous times when this movie went full-on Dewey Cox and didn't even see the irony. And don't get me started on Tom Hanks, oh boy. What happened Tom? This is easily the worst Tom Hanks has ever been in a movie, EVER. I challenge anyone to find me another Tom Hanks movie where he sucked this hard. It was beyond embarrassing.

Out of all the best picture-nominated films I've seen in my lifetime, Elvis just might be the very worst. This is an awful movie in practically every regard.
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