"Oh my God Almighty! Someone has sent me a bowel movement!"
29 November 2022
Before watching this film, keep in mind that it is not for the faint of heart, it includes, but not limited to: Chicken brutality, Chicken uhhh intercourse, dog feces consumption, feces, vomit, cannibalism, and more. Hopefully that paints a picture.

The film, if you're into films, is very notorious. Before watching this movie a day ago it was always brought up that dog feces had something to do with this movie. They were not lying, nonono not one bit. What a way to buy my first Criterion film huh?

If you ask me, this film isn't too funny. The humor, for me, was mainly just gross-out-- which isn't all that funny, i was just sort of laughing at how absurd it was and how uncomfortable i was. For reference, this isn't my first rodeo with disturbing, nasty, and shocking films. I've seen the Japanese Guinea Pig movies alongside many others that pop into your head when i mention that. This film always seemed to be recommended to me , due to me enjoying the shock value.

There are so many things to say about this film and i'm not interested in spoiling it. My main problems are : Strange drawn out scenes, done only for shock--parts in the movie that just make no sense and don't need to be there-- and every scene Crackers is in. Crackers somehow happens to make every scene he's in (i'm exaggerating, i'm talking about two in particular) uncomfortable and needless.

Now what this film has going for it is John Water's visuals, dialogue, quotables, and bizarre plot. If you were to attempt at explaining this movie from start to finish to somebody, scene for scene, it would be quicker to just show them the damn movie. Its definitely a cult classic, not perfect, but not bad and i look forward to doing a rewatch in the future.

Although i don't love this movie as much as most, if you can handle it, id consider giving it a watch.
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