Review of Devotion

Devotion (II) (2022)
Not top gun, not bad, not as good as I thought it was going to be
24 November 2022
Expecting an emotional top gun movie, you can pick out the similarities between them but this is less blood rushing fun and a more meaningful story to tell. Story ain't much but the characters performances elevate it, especially Jonathan Majors as Jesse brown who carries the emotional side of the movie.

Still has action, but it's not trying to wow you like top gun, it's scarcely there for the runtime but the action scenes are riveting and get your heart pumping looking at how close some calls are once it starts. They don't feel like a movie, more like the action is right there in front of you remembering it's a true story. It's a war movie, not an action movie, more of a war drama. Reminds me of Tom hanks movie Greyhound. Sure the flashy mid air combat maneuvers of top gun would have been nice to see, but it would've ruined the aura of what this movie was meant to be. It's not there to show how cool flying a fighter jet is, more of showing us the personal lives of those flying them.

Race isn't as prevalent a theme as I thought it'd be, it's more than evident sure but takes it's time to finally focus on Jesse as a main character. I like that it doesn't milk the race card, it's instead sprinkled and Jesse's physical restraint to confronting it aids that. Would've helped adding more depth to the movie though, I didn't care as much as I should've for the characters, I was rooting for them but the ending needed more than that to have the full effect but I guess you can't change a true story. Also, despite sharing majority of the screen time Tom isn't as explored as Jesse, of course Jesse is the lead but Tom felt too wafer thin.

It's pretty straightforward, no dramatic twists so it might not be as thrilling. Plot development is a little slow, still keeps you interested. I wouldn't say the movie is anticlimactic because the action scenes definitely give that but it feels like they were going placed in the middle, not for the big finale.

I did enjoy that it wasn't just some run of the mill sappy ending yet still carrying the emotion. I didn't like the camera work at the end, it looked like the camera man was running on foot and unsteady.

It's not the best war movie out there but it's not a bad watch. With glen powell featuring in both top gun maverick and devotion I guess it's hard not to compare as they came out in the same year.

Top guns more about flare, this is more emotionally moving. It's about the first black navy aviator but also about his friendship with his wingman Tom. They're not entirely thick as thieves even though Tom's tryna be but they get closer as the movie goes on. They did a good job at portraying a brother at arms relationship, not with the two only but everyone in it. It might not stir up as much buzz as top gun but even with it's imperfections it's still worth a watch.
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