The President's Man (2000 TV Movie)
The President's Man
6 November 2022
Jonathon Chase (Chuck Norris) is the special operative the President of the United States turns to with the most sensitive and dangerous missions. So when the First Lady is kidnapped by ruthless terrorists it naturally falls to Jonathon to get her back. The mission is a success, but Jonathon feels that things didn't go as smoothly as he would have liked, and decides it is time to train a successor.

Chuck smashes through a window of a high rise window and the villain holding the First Lady hostage asks him who he is. Chuck replies "Room Service" and then proceeds to be beat him and stab him. A good start to a tongue-in-cheek and old-fashioned fun which is a mix of James Bond and Chuck's brand of high kicks. It's a TV movie, and not on the same level as his theatrical-released classics like Code of Silence/MIA, but still enjoyable. Chuck channels his quietly tough persona like an old pro and still got the moves.
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