Unexpectedly pleasant flight or Unequal love of a respectable pilot and a young artist
22 September 2022
Comedy, musical. The picture, shot in the middle of the Great Patriotic War in the Kazakh SSR according to the script of Evgeny Petrov. Yes, the same Evgeny Petrov, who together with Ilya Ilf wrote the famous and super-popular novels "Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf". Unfortunately, Evgeny Petrov himself did not live to see the premiere, because his plane was shot down by a fascist fighter. So, this masterpiece was sincerely advised to me by a person who knows Soviet cinema, for which I am categorically grateful to him. And here's my brief opinion for you - The unequal love of a solid pilot and a young artist. I must say right away that there are no minuses in the picture, because we do not consider the rather primitive technologies of the thirties and forties, toy planes, obvious combined filming for this. After all, scolding for such an old movie is at least strange, and in general it gives off a bad tone. Therefore, I will focus your attention on the advantages of this masterpiece of Russian cinema.

So, here they are: 1. Scenario - the action of the picture unfolds before and in the first months of the Great Patriotic War and tells the story of dating, trials and finally love of a pilot at the age of Ivan Baranov (a real ace in his field) and a young artist Natasha Kulikova, who is beginning her creative career. We will be shown all the vicissitudes of their love against the background of the history of a Great country at that time. But there were a lot of tests. And although I personally have a negative attitude to unequal marriages, but at the same time I admit that there are exceptions among them, and this masterpiece clearly shows this. The characters evoke sympathy, the dialogues are written by a master of his craft. It literally feels like real people are talking, not dummies. Minor characters are marked with broad strokes so as to give the viewer a visual idea of them, without wasting precious film on individual scenes with them (which modern Russian directors and screenwriters should learn!). It is pleasant and interesting to watch the romantic line. The final is certainly predictable, but the main message in the final is very vital and has not lost relevance even in our time. Once again, my respects to Evgeny Petrov!

2. Humor - this picture is primarily a comedy, so the viewer will be amused here. Which she successfully does. Funny situations, small and not very dirty tricks, sometimes an open "kindergarten", but all this is very subtle, dosed and most importantly funny. No one has any "crown" phrases here, but still the picture will make you laugh, although do not count on wild laughter, because this picture is from the forties, and some moments the modern viewer may simply not understand, because during this time life itself has changed.

3. Songs - they sing here, and quite often, but a jamb came out due to the sound twisted to the maximum at these moments, which is why it is very, very difficult to understand the words of the songs, which is very frustrating. Mostly they sing Russian folk songs in opera treatment, which is a bit unusual for modern audiences, but then it was common. In general, there is something to listen to!

4. Warmth - the picture literally plays with all the colors of the rainbow (despite the fact that it was shot on black and white film). She glows with the warmth and love of the creators for her creation. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was shown to soldiers and officers of the Red Army at the front, because there is enough patriotism in the picture. And not a poster, but a simple, human one. Faith in yourself, faith in your love, faith in your people, faith in your country, faith in victory, which is sure to be (and was). After viewing, there were only pleasant impressions, despite the primitive technologies and toy planes, again, I repeat. But the picture was shot in difficult years and in difficult conditions, but at the same time they managed to shoot the most real masterpieces. That's it!

A little about the main characters: 1. Ivan Baranov, performed by Mikhail Zharov, is an experienced pilot of civil aviation of the USSR, who, while performing another flight, notices a pretty young artist, and inadvertently speaks a bad word about her. He doesn't know yet that this will be the beginning of a great feeling. An honest hero, ready to do the impossible for the sake of a loved one, whose role was superbly played by the wonderful artist Mikhail Ivanovich Zharov. Bravo!

2. Natasha Kulikova performed by Lyudmila Tselikovskaya is a young artist who has a great future ahead of her, because she also has talent. Imprudently falls in love with the pilot Baranov, which some people from her entourage do not like. The beautiful Lyudmila was no less convincing in her role than Zharov, so I can only praise and kiss the pen!

3. Ananiy Svetlovidov, performed by Grigory Shpigel, is a capricious artist from Natasha's troupe, to whom he breathes unevenly. He tries in every possible way to upset the love of Natasha and Ivan, although not always by his own will. A talented artist, although not very much as a person, whose role was perfectly performed by Grigory Spiegel. Bravo!

Once again I am convinced that Soviet cinema is the best and most unique event in the history of the entire industry, which is still worthy of viewing and which all directors of the world should be equal to (and not deny their past and spit on their ancestors, as modern Russian directors do).

As a result, we have a great comedy about unequal love, with a great script, great dialogues, good musical numbers, great humor, and great acting!

My rating is 10 out of 10 and my recommendation for viewing!
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