Not Marvel standard
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's certainly not what you'd expect from Marvel.

  • Obviously, the first thing that screams at you is the CGI, it's just not good
  • I think it was a very bad decision to go with breaking the fourth wall, when deadpool does it, it's funny and worth it but when they do it, I find it cringeworthy
  • The character dialogues are just flat and uninteresting... It's hard to focus, I often find myself drifting off, not captivating at all
  • The show lacks a certain "seriousness": a whole episode focusing on that elf...wtf... Abomination's pen pals, even how wong conducts himself in the room.... I feel like they're trying to be funny but failing miserably
  • I could have used without that twerking scene.... remember when post credit scenes in the MCU were used to recruit avengers, or introduce thanos... and now this

They story is moving forward, they've introduced new characters and even teased others but a story shouldn't be about what you are doing, it should be about HOW you do it.... that's what appeals to the audience and this show isn't appealing to me at all.

I gave it the 5 because I know a lot of hard work went into making this, and it's insanely hard to pull off making a show, but I just don't think it's a good show.
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