Resurrection (2022)
Hall is incredible in a dark and elusive film
12 August 2022
'Resurrection' is the type of film that makes me really miss the IMDb message boards. I used to love the discussion and theories thrown about on ambiguous films like this one. There's a lot going on in this one and it isn't always clear what is real and what is not.

The film reminded me of another 2022 film 'Men'. It was done in a different way (for the most part) but had similar themes and messages. That one was a little more in your face with its message, whereas 'Resurrection' holds its cards a little closer to its chest.

I couldn't complete this review without mentioning Rebecca Hall. She may just be the best actress working at the moment. She is so captivating to watch. She has all the gears too. Her character has a massive arc in this film and she nails every stage of it. She has an 8 minute dialogue at one point that is mesmerising to watch.

I really enjoyed this film. There will be some who find they don't get enough answers. But equally there will be plenty of audience members who like the idea of putting the puzzle together themselves. I recommend checking this one out. 8/10.
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