Marvel is Losing its Mojo -But Still Has Moments of Fun
9 July 2022
While not the worst Marvel film, it is certainly not worthy of high praise. Ragnarok was a masterpiece but Taika falls incredibly short of expectations for a bar that was set high in the beginning phases of the MCU. I didn't hate this movie, but I didn't love it, and that is a trend with some of their recent offerings. I'm on the fence about a rating of 7, but my favorite MCU movies are in the 8-10 range.

Characters: Thor has been reduced to a joke and doesn't have the appeal he once had. Why does he look like a carnie ala Joe Dirt? Why is he so weak, dumb and needy?

Valkayrie's character has been reduced to a lesser version of her former self and her rule of New Asgard was pitiful and lacked inspiration. Tessa's talent was totally wasted.

Christian Bale's performance, while exceptional was a bit too Voldemort-esque.

The appearance of the Guardians was lame -who would look up to Starlord? Chris Pratt came across as a white trash version of the character first introduced and has completely lost his likability. Rocket is the best character in the Guardians and he barely had any lines.

The first battle was against hawklike chicken muppets riding Star Wars knockoff vehicles and they just weren't formidable in the least.

The cameos were fun (Hella) and the goats were annoying when they didn't have to be.

Music: The use of music was ill-timed and not matched to the action -no offense to GNR, but why so much of their music? November Rain was the only song that seemed to be paired well with the action. There are so many 80's rock and metal songs that would have made a better fit .

Plot: Boring and drawn-out. Pay no attention to the commenters whining about "wokeness" and this has nothing to do with anything other than their own prejudice and intolerance. The humor was dumb, childish and just not that funny or witty, unless maybe you are a 8 year old boy raised by immature parents.

I'm a huge Marvel fan but I have been so disappointed in recent offerings that are a result of Disney greed, poor writing and lazy directing.
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