Lovers to the left, haters to the right...
6 July 2022
Thor 4 is going to cause quite a bit of division, with some people loving the fast pacing and humour, and others citing a lack of character development with a flippant disregard of true, life-threatening danger.

In a way, they'll both be right.

There will also be a never-ending comparison to Thor: Ragnarok, with some justification, as TR was Taika's first foray into the MCU and therefore a breath of fresh air; but also with the same reasoning being a caveat that we are a bit inured to Taika's originality now, and thus not as easily impressed.

While I agree that the director's penchant for not wasting time on minutiae allows the story to proceed apace, it felt as though the middle of the film failed to allow the antagonist to establish his bonafides as a true threat, reduced as he was to scaring children. Without going into specifics, the ending also nullified his emotional motivation that "All gods must die."

However, the film makes up for some of these weaker points with imaginative use of powers, props and locations. But you aren't allowed a moment to digest the more serous moments, and end up leaving the cinema feeling a bit confused and uncertain as to whether you enjoyed what you just watched. Hence the division of opinion of those who watched the film, but didn't take more time to digest what they saw.

So when you do see it, give yourself a few hours to let it soak in, then decide if you feel it was worthy of your time & money.
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