Disappointing to the extreme
30 May 2022
The Harry Potter books achieved so much success because a dedicated writer thought about the story for years and the result, imperfect as it was, became beloved by millions of people as the effort showed. This film is perfect, though, a total and complete mess, written by people who can never come up with more than an elevator pitch and the crave for a big payout. The movie uses a plot that purposefully makes no sense, built on a previous film that no one remembers and manages to cement Dumbledore as a manipulative asshole whose value for humanity is that he looks nice compared to the genocidal maniacs he fights against. But he's gay, so that's fine.

It gets worse, though. So many things in the film not only not make sense, but contradict lore from the books. The film is called Fantastic Beasts, but really it's just one and it doesn't do much except for the ending. The magical world of wizards is now angry, political, divided and warlike, because that's what Americans are like, obliterating the elegant traditionalist Britishness of the books. Magic is only used to show off, fight or destroy now.

The more I think about it, the angrier I become, which is not really what I want or need. My advice is to skip this film completely. Too bad, too, because Eddie Redmayne, Jude Law, Dan Fogler and Mads Mikkelsen did a great job as actors. Alas, the material they had to work with was utter garbage.
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