It's a shame to see so many low reviews
13 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I remember back when RE came out. Spending weeks, after school checking all the rental places in my small town. That was like 3 in all; and it was always checked out. I remember going into the Cubby Hole because I was going to look at MtG cards. I saw they had it, because apparently, they had a game rental section. I had always seen the name, but never went in, until I was told by a friend, that is where he got his Magic cards.

I had to pay by the day to rent it. I was in middle school, 8th grade. Back then we didn't have a lot of Zombie material. I was very heavy into Romero. I had discovered Tom Savini's remake of Night of the Living Dead, and I would watch that and Dawn of the Dead at least a couple times a week. I didn't really know what to expect. I had just gotten my PS for my birthday and only had Die Hard. I was going to get RE based on what my a couple friends said. I was worried I wouldn't like it and I didn't want to waste what game I got for my new system.

The feeling of playing that game, late at night during the summer. The memory doesn't remember the pixels being so obvious. Back then it was so amazing. There was a dude chewing another dudes face. Come on man! That made me absolutely lose my mind. That was when I knew I was hooked on zombies forever.

Itchy. Tasty. I haven't cheered at a movie like that since Cap hefted Mjolnir. That was when I knew, this movie was the best game movie ever. I originally thought that the Dead or Alive soft-core flick from the early 2000's was the most realistic and faithful game movie I had ever seen. I also loved Hitman with Timothy, and Marky Mark as Pane. Both amazing games I played way too much of. This one blew them out of the water without even trying.

Seriously. Watching this I was right back to being a kid again. Life wasn't just absolute abject horror or when it was all going to end; days left forever gray. No I was young, Spawn was on HBO as a pretty awesome comic movie (because once again, back then we didn't have much of that stuff.) Boobs were awesome, I was going to be learning to drive soon, and zombies were the greatest invention ever. I'm thankful every Easter they were created.

This movie takes the first and second game, it takes you back to that time, before we've seen zombies talked to death while they walked and fell apart. We didn't have any Negan's. We didn't have a weekly soap opera that somehow both excited and bored the living excrement out of. It was fresh and it was fun. The horror of playing it late at night at a sleep over. The way the zombies moved was slow and realistic. We didn't have Snyder show us the pants sh#*ing horror of what running zombies was.

Going into this movie and thinking about all the different things we've seen them do in the last few years. We had one zombie chilling, eatting brains with hot sauce, whilst solving crimes like a messed up CSI. We have had zombie babies, zombies in wheel-chairs (those two are my personal favorite.) They did with zombies what they did with Vampires. Over saturation.

This took me back to the beginning. Showing how slow, creepy, and just squishy, zombies were. The guns were almost all on point. My two biggest complaints are the lame forced Jill and Wesker thing, and Leon being an inept toolbag who most definitely did not use a .45. Everything else though, they took the two games, deleted all the time between, got them all synched and one really useful story.

The shame is, most people aren't going to be as understanding. They aren't going to realize just how accurate and amazing this is. They claim lame cgi or plot. The games were just like that. We didn't nit pick! It was crazy, but it was fun! The creatures were spot on! The train, I was honestly waiting for a mention to the other series.

I saw the first series when it hit theaters. Was there opening night for all of them. I saw the first one four times in theaters. Once again, not a lot of zombies. This is what I had been waiting my life for, up to this point. Not to mention, that moody instrumental track they had for the first RE movie was the most legit game-movie theme. It is spooky and interesting and I love it. That's about the only positives I got at the moment. They were ok, but I never thought of them as RE, mostly because I'd get angry at the liberties that were taken. Because they tried course correction, which just made it even more awkward.

This takes all the stuff from the games and streamlines it. Which the only people that are truly going to appreciate what this movie did, will have wished it was back in 98. Man, this thing would have melted the box office. Woulda had that Marvel money type opening. Unfortunately it is today. The people seeing this have been disenfranchised from Hollywood horror. It's part of why I feel so strongly about it. Sony agreed to put out a true adaptation of material. Hardly seems like the thing they do. I'm still grouchy over them wasting Daniel Craig. We coulda had more films. But I digress.

If you loved the games and you want to see a genuine love letter to the games, this movie is where it is at. Moonlight Sonata, Keys, and Rockets (of course the rocket launcher you used back then was the sweet 4 barrel system from Commando.) Wesker was actually pretty cool here. Really loved his arc more than in the games, even tho it did keep close to game stuff.

Instead of being quick to hate because it's different, people should see the amount of love and thought that went into this. I can't even remember all the different movies I've seen urinated on just because some big studio bought it and wanted to make that money back stat. Empty, soulless projects that makes you not only sad it was made, but sad the source material lead to an act of crime such as that. I'm clearly talking about Catwoman with Halle Berry. Just no.

It was nice to take a trip back to simpler times. Guess I really am getting old. Doesn't seem that long ago.
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