Blue Velvet (1986)
Quickie: Great potential and depth, but simply badly executed. My first Lynch.
1 March 2022
I think I get it, and there's some very interesting concepts that could make for a great movie, but the execution ruined most of it for me. It's quite shocking to me this is genuinely considered by many to be one of the best films of all time. Don't get me wrong, there's aspects that deserve praise but most of the movie isn't even that well made in my opinion. The entire movie feels so stilted and clunky, from the performances, dialogue, editing, etc. You know you've failed when you make a literal rape scene unintentionally funny. None of the acting is good, honestly feeling like a student film. It's baffling to me this would get an Oscar nomination for it's directing. Are there good elements to the directing? Yes, it's pretty decently shot, it has some good symbolism, but mostly everything else fails. Some scenes feel like the actors weren't even directed. Sometimes it's hammy, and other times it's under-acted. Also I really dislike the pauses and whispering in some scenes. Can you really call a movie that makes a rape scene unintentionally funny well directed? The characters are all very thin and basic, they could've used so much more development to further strengthen the themes. It's like they only got the most basic elements to make these characters, but forgot to actually delve into them. It feels bare bones, and while the bones are strong It forgot the meat to truly support it. Not that all need much development, but most of the characters feel unrealistic, and unbelievable without much development. The plot is basic, bland, and even contrived at times. There's nothing that special or original about it, so the execution is what would set it apart, and it does by being mostly stilted and silly in all the wrong places. I honestly found most of the movie to be unenjoyable. I also believe it could've been shorter and had a tighter edit to at least be more enjoyable. Though at the same time it could've also been longer to further flesh out certain aspects of the film. The script feels like an early draft for a potentially great movie. Ironically Lynch's direction feels wrong for this type of movie. Yes, there are great elements in this movie, but the execution is middling at best. This movie is like the opposite of the opening scene, with the disgusting cockroaches at the top covering the rich grass brimming with potential that never quite got out. I would argue some of this movie is badly made, but I still gave it a 5.5/10 because I recognize it does have some great stuff deep in it. Maybe I really didn't get it, and Lynch's style isn't for me, but again, to me for the subject matter in this movie to be this badly executed is not a stylistic choice but an obvious flaw with the direction and movie. This is something I'll probably revisit when I watch more Lynch films, I hope I'm wrong about it, but this isn't a good start from his filmography for me.


Note: This is an old review I wrote last year that I always meant to expand especially after watching more Lynch and if I rewatch this film, but for now I thought I might as well post this.
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