Capcom is this your idea of a joke?
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love Resident Evil but this movie was beyond pathetic it is one of the biggest waste of Time of any movie.

Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City is one of the reasons that video games turned into movies are not taken seriously along with making them the laughing stock of the neighborhood.

They did such a awful job that I doubt Ill even get this movie on dvd it is that bad. It's like they didn't know what the devil they were doing. They took Resident Evil 1 and 2 and force them into one story with Resident Evil 3 trying to keep that over to get to Resident Evil 4.

The casting is awful Not of the cast knew what they were doing Jill and Leon look nothing like in the games nor acted like them. Making Chief Irons into this kind of role is pathetic. Plus making Wesker a wimp how dare they. Don't get me started on Claire actress she was so wooden that she could have been a tree as a matter of fact she should have played a tree.

The songs in the movie serve no meaning. It was like someone took over a radio station and played anything that hit the tape player.

Don't worry I haven't forgotten about the "Acting" good grief I have seen cheesy movies that had better acting than this. The cast clearly only wanted a paycheck but they did such terrible jobs that they should have been fired from get go.

S. D. Perry Resident Evil books were written better than this movie as they force so much in one story. Read the S. D. Perry books they are far superior.

If you are a fan don't bother with this movie it is a disrespect an insult and a slap in the face to the fans of the Resident Evil series this movie should be Banned!

I give Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City an pathetic 1 out of 10.
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