Don't Look Up (2021)
Well-placed jabs at the society and world today...
29 December 2021
Initially then I wasn't really overly hooked on watching the 2021 movie "Don't Look Up" since I wasn't really won over by the movie's synopsis. Granted, I hadn't checked out the movie's trailer, so I wasn't really sure what I would be in for here. But as friends started to praise the movie, I opted to sit down and watch it.

Now, one friend said that "Don't Look Up" was a masterpiece. Well, I wouldn't go as far as to calling it a masterpiece. Sure, "Don't Look Up" was a watchable movie, and writers Adam McKay and David Sirota definitely had some good jabs at the crazy world we live in today, with the likes of a crazy president, everything being on social media, people being concerned about riches even when facing extinction and such. I found the movie to be watchable and enjoyable, sure, but it wasn't a masterpiece, nor will it become a classic movie for me.

The comedy used in "Don't Look Up", as written by Adam McKay and David Sirota wasn't really something that had me laughing. Sure, I could see the jabs at society and the ridiculing of certain aspects of the society and world we live in today, but it didn't make me laugh.

Running at 2 hours and 18 minutes, the movie feels a bit long, to be bluntly honest.

What works for "Don't Look Up" is the cast, as it has a handful of great names on the list, with the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, and so forth.

There is a good production value to the movie, and you are definitely in good hands throughout the course of the movie, in every aspects actually, from visual CGI effects, to storytelling, to camera work, acting performances, etc.

Sadly, then I wouldn't exactly say that "Don't Look Up" is a movie that sustains more than a single viewing, as the contents to the storyline just doesn't really seem solid enough for more than a single viewing. So I highly doubt that I will ever return to watch director Adam McKay's 2021 movie again.

My rating of "Don't Look Up" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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