Don't Look Up (2021)
Hits a Little Too Close to Home
25 December 2021
"Don't Look Up" will divide audiences for a myriad of reasons, but personally, I found this to be a brilliant satire about the state of growing misinformation and the dangerous hypocrisies of this digital age.

It's chock full of unpleasant characters and unpleasant situations, and viewers need to go-into all of it with a coarse grain of salt. I suspect many detractors of the film might be those easily persuaded by misinformation, and those, who themselves, like to ignore science and tend-to grasp onto these social life-jackets - instead of heeding the poignant and important meaning of the film - they will focus on all the negatives.

The film is completely absurd, and it's supposed to be. The style, cast and absurdity just work together harmoniously. Everything about this ridiculous movie is probably not as far removed from reality as one might think. It is over-stylized, no doubt, but it's Running Man, Hunger Games, Total Recall disinformation-vibe rings true in today's world, and far sooner than many suspected. It's like Miracle Mile, Back to the Future 2, Deep Impact and This is the End, had a coma baby birthed-in the somber realities and fact-checks of Bright Lights Big City.

It's not perfect. The film would have benefitted from more family development, and a better soundtrack, but any low scores can be dismissed as those who took political offense and missed the point. Cast attacks can be dismissed as well - it's comedy not a drama. Don't expect The Color Purple or Bridges of Madison County here.

Good movie. Will surely find a top 25 spot for 2021. Love the extended credits. The film is clever and, imo, an important film.
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