Cagney & Lacey (1981–1988)
If Only New York Allowed Citizens to Carry a Concealed Weapon
17 November 2021
Pretty well done, but:

(1) there was waaaay too much annoying talk and interruption from Isbecki. A completely useless character and a SPACE FILLER. If he was removed as a character altogether, the show COULD have focused more on issues and important details. But when the Writers were out of ideas and creativity, they would just bring in a few scenes with Isbecki. His existence added nothing to the series.

(2) it was unbelievable that C&L chased perps in dresses and heels,

(3) Mary Beth had too many responsibilities at home to play Detective and a lot of their family problems were actually CAUSED by the fact she wasn't home to take care of her husband/apartment/kids (if the husband could have concentrated on his career instead of homework and pancakes he would have made much more than Mary Beth was earning as a cop, she wouldn't have been under so much stress that she inadvertently gave herself breast cancer, she would have been able to recuperate faster at home, her oldest son wouldn't have gotten into toying with guns, she wouldn't have had to be jealous of their nannies or pretty blonde neighbors, she and Harv wouldn't have had so many stressors and arguments, etc., etc.).

(4) they both spent way too much time blabbing in the locker room, Women's room and at Flannery's to be effective at their jobs. In real life, they would have gotten canned for bringing all their personal drama (about their families, individual lives and relationship with each other as friends/colleagues) to work.

(5) Christine should have disowned her father by Season 3 for refusing to acknowledge his alcoholism or go to A. A.

(6) Christine shouldn't have waited until her father died of alcoholism to join A. A. herself

(7) Christine spent so much time on her career and sleeping around with Major Disappointments, she never got married and ended up an old maid with no children and no legacy, except a dead alcoholic father who used to be a crooked cop. She can walk fast with the wind blowing through her bouncy hair in NYC all she wants rushing to and fro with her pretty face, but she had her priorities all wrong and she ended up with nothing.

(8) the majority of story lines/crimes wouldn't have even EXISTED if New York SIMPLY allowed citizens to conceal carry a gun. Instead, only the criminals had guns, because they don't CARE about gun laws. Next time you watch an episode, think about how the story would have been nonexistent or turned out COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY if NY allowed its citizens to carry a concealed, loaded firearm.

Attempted Rape? BOOM Mugger? BOOM Liquor Store thief? BOOM.
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