Nightbeast (1982)
9 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are a number of low budget horror and science fiction films that were made in the past that have developed a loyal following since their release. These film either played the grindhouse/drive-in circuit or went straight to video. The cover art on the boxes in video stores was enough to guarantee they'd be rented if not enjoyed by customers at the time. As time passed on though those who remember them fondly often seek them out only to be disappointed they aren't available.

That's all changed in the last few years. Boutique distributors like Vinegar Syndrome, Arrow Video and Shout Factory have gone back and breathed new life into these films. Also on the front is Troma Video. Releasing mostly films from their long catalog on occasion you'll find something different there. Like NIGHTBEAST.

The film opens with a spaceship flying along that gets hit by an asteroid. This forces it to crash land on earth where a group of hunters come across the ship and then notify the local authorities. When they return to investigate on their own a hideous alien rises from the ship and shoots them with a disintegrator ray.

The creature wreaks havoc on anyone it encounters never once trying to communicate with anyone. It just shows up and zaps them away. When the sheriff and a group of men attack it they find that bullets have no effect. Recruiting a sharpshooter they shoot the weapon and disarm the alien at a cost of lives though.

The sheriff informs the mayor of what is going on but, typical politician, he has an event scheduled as a fund raiser for the governor. He refuses to cancel and of course things go bad. The alien continues to kill those he encounters and the body count rises. Only time will tell if they can find a way to destroy this nightbeast.

There are subplots involved throughout the film as well. A bit of jealousy, some interaction between the two guys in love with the same reason and their own confrontation. The sheriff is wounded and his deputy takes him to her house to heal. Of course they end up in bed together.

The end result is a movie that's either so bad it's good or just bad. But like I said it has its own following. I wasn't aware until reading about the film that it was a sequel to a film called THE ALIEN FACTOR. I can't say that this inspired me to go looking for that one. For me sitting through this one was bad enough.

There are some decent effects in here but not enough to override the bad acting and a creature with a well-made mask that doesn't do much. There is no depth to the story of the alien which would seem the focus of the film. Instead there is a lot of talking back and forth between actors who should talk less.

For me this isn't a film I'll be going back to watch. But I know there are fans out there who will be pleased to see it make its way to blu-ray. The extras will be something they'll love as well including an introduction by Troma founder and owner Lloyd Kaufman (you gotta love Lloyd). There are bloopers and outtakes, an FX gallery and more. Fans, pick this one up. Everyone else, view at your own risk. Or create a drinking game around the film.
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