A little too goody-goody for Western eyes
9 August 2021
"A cruel romance" was a big success in the Soviet Union. For Western eyes the film is rather goody-goody.

The film was made in the period just after the death of Brezhnev. In this politically unstable period directers didn't dare to treat controversial subjects. A costume drama set in the 19th century was relatively save, criticizing the corruption of pre-revolutionary nobility and civil servants. All the characters in "A cruel romance" are busy keeping up appearances. Sincerity is a luxury that no one seems to be able to afford.

This theme can produce good films such as for example "Sense and sensibility"(1995, Ang Lee). The problem of "A cruel romance" is however that it exaggerates almost everything. Nobody gets drunk in a normal way for example but blind drunk at the very least.
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