Review of Bling

Bling (2016)
Colourful, fun, future cult oddity concoction animation - aimed at children on .. marriage proposals?!
7 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First up to know: for younger, uncritical audiences - in other words, its target audience, of course - this is a colourful and full of fun action packed frolic which will keep them fully involved: in that respect, fully successful ..

but, for those of you who are parents and/or of the more mature animation fan appreciators, the next first up to know is that you should be aware this is a Korean sourced production, and so that sometimes, such related storytelling and ideas can be .. well, just a tad different from your standard animated studio affair offerings, and so this seems to have occasional plot hole jumps and sheer non- sequiturs that bewilder.

As for a start, its villain is first seen as a boy: well, no problem there for character arc development; but, for some reason - never explained - is that its from he's hiding in the trunk of a car; and that car is one of the character's - (his? Just not sure, but surely can't be!)- Aunt: in any case, well, what on Earth is he doing in there? Does she know? Her some sort of punishment ..? - no, for we're soon informed (by him) he's surreptitiously checking (stalking tendencies already?! Euww!) on her because he's in love with her (what?! No Mother turns up anywhere, either ..): so that becomes the villain plot driving part in that latterly - he's now grown - he wants to marry her (ahhh!): And so 'now' that he's an adult - of indeterminate age - but of that many years on shown - to be by which then means his 'Aunt' must similarly be, too (right?) - yet, she hasn't grown / 'aged' a jot in between ... although, for whom, at least to a more mature (adults; Dads?!) in the viewing audience, his infatuation can be quite understandable, as she is caricatured as a curvaceous raven headed beauty, indeed! (And strong in charge woman, runs her own business empire, too: admirable feminine character plaudits there for the youngsters, too, scriptwriters.)

For 'marriage', you see, is the actual plot driving device for the young hero in this, as he tries to propose to his girlfriend - of twenty years i.e. Since they were rambunctious youngsters! (That's how we're introduced to them): yet, now, bearing in mind that as assumed at the outset, that this is obviously aimed at young children, what story arc will that be to pique their interest to stay watching?

So, as you 'see', somewhat odd in the telling.

But still they will; for on that journey, there are fun set pieces - more of oddities is that we're soon plunged into a modern cityscape that has the Statue of Liberty slap bang in the middle of skyscrapers (?!) - culminating in a nicely rendered sort of Pacific Rim / Japanese 60's robot monster movie like denouement: although again, if aimed at sensitive young viewers, how it meets its demise* could be 'seen' as rather disconcerting!

But for a more discerning (older) audience, along similar mechanised lines, the baddie's sidekick, another robot he has evidently designed himself, with its feats, is great fun to watch - all sorts of antecedents can be spotted in it, (not least the cool extending arms weapons), and of whom is all the more enjoyable as James Woods voices it with a sort of subdued bewilderment into megalomania (although not at all like his erstwhile Disney Hercules, Hades mania).

Note: and the baddy himself also has a superb auto design: so good, that like the Batmobile designs, it begs to be released as a (tie-in, toy) model (please)!

Thus, for the associated car chase - complete with cool 'cloud' freeway idea, surely homages to / (if not nicked) from Fifth Element / Minority Report likes - is a great pastiche of inspirations from Fast and Furious, Matrix 2, even the latest Tenet (but who came first?)! (You'll likely wanna re-watch it on slo-mo!) (BTW: nice touch; check out the portrait paintings hanging in the baddy's lair, too.)

But the hero, too, has a trio of sidekicks, also supposedly already, sometime, constructed by him; but no backstory is given on that or them, to the extent I began to wonder if this was somehow some sequel of sorts, with their set up already known; for if not you're thrown into having to unquestioningly accept that part of the story - although the rear end emanations of one, though, seems to more reflect the scriptwriters' idea of flatulence humour than I would think youngsters would find so continuously hilarious (being that, really, such an adult thing that 'such' is so amusing!).

Plus, he also has to his aid some indeterminate little, well, so called 'Minotaur' (minor, geddit?), minions - whoops: ah, I mean, helpers, - as otherwise so, um, 'despicably' close to, that it wouldn't surprise me if 'Illumination' had a character copyright breach thought on that!

So as you can / will see, all in all, quite an odd concoction for a child aimed animation; but so much so that for older appreciators of animation, I'm gonna predict this is surely to become a cult favourite in time for all it shows and presents.

Worth seeing for the visuals alone and the sub surreal intricacies on show.

*PLOT SPOILER ALERT: DO NOT READ if don't want to so know ...
  • since, in effect, is inferred: brains blown out! Wow! But of course, kids wouldn't associate that .. would they?
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