An embarrassment for the Star Wars fans
19 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I watch this movie, it only makes me remember how good were all those other Star Wars movies and series before this one. They were great! But this one is a disaster.

I am a Star Wars fans that has watched everything about Star Wars, including all animated series, movies, TV shows, video games, toys, non-canon legends, articles, everything. I can tell Star Wars is my favorite franchise to marathon.

Last year I started my full marathon again, for 4th time, including all movies and series. The marathon is really long but hugely enjoyable at a level that no other can compete, until you get to this movie, The Last Jedi (2017).

The Last Jedi (2017) screwed it all.

Let me explain...

...If you are not a Star Wars fan, and you watch this movie alone (without marathon), you may like it. But when you are a Star Wars fan, you will feel severely disappointed, specially if you are marathoning.

Where's the respect for the Star Wars fans?

I blame it on only two persons: Rian Johnson (writer and director) and. Kathleen Kennedy (producer). You two screwed up what George Lucas took 40 years to build.

It was much better with George Lucas. Oh! Way better!

Why I blame it on Kathleen Kennedy? Because she is in charge now. If you choose someone to direct a Star Wars movie, make sure he or she is a Star Wars fan, because oh God! The Star Wars fanbase takes all this very seriously.

I have some questions for you, Rian, and Kathleen. See below:

* How Luke Skywalker gave up and abandoned his only family (his sister and friends) the republic, and all the causes for what he fought so hard and refused to help them? Did you even watched the original trilogy? Luke never give up. Please watch The Return of the Jedi, Rian.

This "Last Jedi" Luke is not in line with the Luke from previous movies. And that's just NOT what a Jedi does.

* If Luke didn't want to be found, how R2 D2 gave the missing part of the map? Can you explain?

* How Rey, without any experience with the force, develops skills so perfectly and quickly in a way that an experienced Jedi or even a Sith has never done it?

* What is that training from Luke?? Are you kidding me?? And how this training helped her in some way??

* Where the hell the all-powerful Snoke came from?? He did showed up in Star Wars without any origin, background/story? Nothing?

* How Leia survived that incredible SCAR explosion like in way that no a Jedi wouldn't have survived? Ok she is a Skywalker but, if she is so powerful, more than the Jedis (judging for the way she survived) why she didn't used those powers before to help a little bit? C'mon!!! This doesn't makes sense!!

* Why Finn and Rose rescue the space-horses but don't rescue the children?

* And there's a lot more. I just don't have time to mention more than 30 errors found on this movie.

If you are a Star Wars fan, you know what are all those errors.

We, the Star Wars fans deserve more respect.

I am going to marathon again, and I will skip this one and pretend this movie doesn't exists.

The production design is good, the special effects are good, the acting is good, but the story is a joke. This screenplay is embarrassment for the Star Wars fans.
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