Review of Titanic

Titanic (1997)
STANDING OVATION! - (10 stars out of 10)
10 March 2021
The stage curtains open ...

Not since the advent of the 1995 film, "Braveheart", have I ever been as enthralled or emotionally invested into a movie as I was with "Titanic". I knew going in, just from the trailer and word-of-mouth, it was going to be good, but I had no idea the ride I was in for when the lights dimmed in the theater that night. I have never understood (and still don't understand) the negative backlash that I've read/heard when it come to this epic film. Because, it is just that - epic in every way, shape or form.

We follow along as a young wayfarer named Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) wins a ticket to board the Titanic in a game of chance. During its fateful voyage, he meets and falls for an upper-class girl named Rose (Kate Winslet). Under the thumb of her demanding fiance (Billy Zane) and her narrow-minded mother, Rose is introduced to a different side to life by Jack, and he helps her to find her own individuality and independence, alienating her from a life that she already despises. She must now decide if she'll choose to stay where she is, or leave and have a life with Jack - a decision that is further compounded when the mighty ship strikes an iceberg leading to the eye popping conclusion.

What makes this film work is the love story. A lot of the negative reviews I've read complain because there is a love story. But, without it, this movie doesn't work. I am not interested in watching a biography about the Titanic, I want a good story - and this movie certainly delivers that. I was completely invested in Jack and Rose, and when the ship began to sink, I was with them both every step of the way.

I highly recommend this movie at 10 stars out of 10. The event of the ship sinking alone was awe inspiring. You are right there in the scene. I could not take my eyes off the screen. The direction is tight, the special effects phenomenal, and the acting completely believable. DiCaprio and Winslet had perfect chemistry. I was affected and moved by "Titanic". And even knowing the outcome, I will happily get on board again and again.
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