Review of Farscape

Farscape (1999–2003)
There is Farscape and then there are all other space operas
5 February 2021
This is my favorite show ever. I think its the best Sci-Fi show ever made. Its serious one moment, dramatic the next, then its weird then its funny then there is action and it goes round and round. And its not just all thrown in randomly, stories themselves are great unique spin on typical Sci-Fi tropes. Acting is great and chemistry between characters is real. Its completely unique and original, no other show is like it. Guardians of the Galaxy tried to ripoff this show essence but its a corporate fake soulless take on Farscape. 4 seasons + mini series rounds it up perfectly, even if I as most would love it to last longer. If it overstated its welcome it may got bad or dragged too long. I hope they don't try to touch this in a remake or continuation because as it is its a perfect piece of Sci-Fi history that shows what can be created with creative people given tools to do what they want.
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