Review of Snowpiercer

Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Can it survive the journey?
19 May 2020
Lets address a few obvious points before takng this revew further. The idea of a train at the end of a severely frozen world is illogical to start with. It assumes a working track that would not be subject to failure from any number of harsh environmental causes and other phenomenia (earthquakes, subsidance). Not to mention issues with track maintenance, the mechanics of the train and resources issues.

In short, its a pure science "fiction" scenario. So moving on from that, what about the series itself? Its based on the moderately watchable film from 2013, which worked within its 126 minute time frame. The real issue for this series is one of sustainability. There is not lot to work with here. That appears to have been addressed by moving this tale to slow burn, applying a detective back story.

How well this will work is yet to be determined. So far it looks alright. Yes there's a dash of the usual woke nonsense but it does have a decent cast and reasonable, if unremarkable, story and excellent special effects. Certainly it wont be easy to keep discriminating viewers happy and I do think this is an odd one to convert to a series.

As it stands a cautious 6/10 from me.
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