Review of Parasite

Parasite (2019)
We are all Hollywood parasites
13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As one other reviewer said, all the accolades have to do more with the idea other than the actual movie. TEchnically it is very well crafted, great cinematography, great acting, but personally I think overhyped. In a day an age where everything is political and has to do with social issues, a movie that very blatantly shows the disparages between rich and poor, (a little bit too stereotipically, I might add) is bound to get great reviews. Actors and their 200k bags of face creams like to feel they are connected to the poor massess, and social justice folk of Twitter feel they have been done justice, even if only for two hours on a theater. Hollywood wants to be that White Knight, and last year it paraded in their red carpet Mexican Native Yalitzia Aparicio, this year it was the Korean actors, I'll bet next year it will be another troupé. Like the rich family in the movie, minorities and other cultures are nothing but parasites to Hollywood, useful and good while they serve their purpose, stink bugs that have to be fumigated when they don't. No wonder 202 Oscars had the lowest rating of the last 25 years. Watch the movie for yourself and make your own mind, I don't think it is the 10 everybody is saying but its political message has provided the fuel to skyrocket it. Beware though, last 10 minutes are quite gross and gory.
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