Review of The Boy

The Boy (I) (2015)
Held me in my seat from beginning to end ...
2 December 2019
What's with the bad reviews ? For an offbeat kind of slasher film but not really .... yes it's dismal and shabby and possibly only 1 likable character (basically we see the lowest of humanity) and lousy parenting lousy kid lousy life lousy motel lousy infrequent guests most of whom are glad to check out .. but the prom invasion at the end trumps all for ugly and vulgar. A nice combination. So when bad things happen to rotten people with whom we have no emotional investment, it's not as difficult to take. No emotional investment is not to say the acting is bland or the dialogue shallow -to the contrary. The characterization is good - we really get to know these people very well (too well) which means we aren't manipulated into grieving any we lose. I had no idea what this film was about-I found it on SciFi Demand and I love to see an independent film. The cinematography the colors the mountains the dust -it's all fantastic. This is no crappy production. It's creepy and I'm glad it's a little over the top to make the story 'lighter' where I needed it anyway. Exaggerated-that's the right word .. It felt short not sweet. I was moved enough to yell commands at the characters and I watched right to the bitter (and perfect) end . PS No resemblance to Psycho! This one is more believable, less of a farce yet still can be taken lightly. I'd say it must be taken lightly in fact. They're both suspenseful and captivating, If that's a commonality. When I saw a review that mentioned Psycho 'where it was done better' ? No I don't think this movie 'set out to do' anything ... nor to resemble Psycho excerpt superficially. I believe some films stand alone. Yes in that way they are similar in that they are not.
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