What matters is twice a week fasting, good oral health, a combination of weight lifting n aerobic exercises, low carb n avoidance of sugar.
23 October 2019
I am a professional nutritionist n gym instructor n the makers of this film themselves put up a disclaimer that this documentary is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice.

Truth about the documentary:

The documentary has only anecdotal evidence (personal experiences, mostly unscientific). The documentary starts with a disclaimer adding the term "however" contrasting their own claims. They acknowledge that this documentary is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. They hav focussed on successful vegan athletes but has shun away from meat eating successful athletes. Executive producer James Cameron's company Verdient Foods Inc. has teamed up with Ingredion to accelerate the plant-based protein market by investing $ 140 million. The other producers, Roddenberry foundation gave 250000 $ to Green Monday for converting 1.6 million Hong Kong residents to veganism. Arnold is a good friend of Cameron.

My opinion:

I am cool and I respect people's choice of eating but I oppose when vegans n vegetarians claim that they r more healthier than meat eaters. I was not keen on watching this as I was aware about the propaganda but one of my client requested me to see n pass my opinion on the film.

Some interesting facts on evolution, science n existing facts:

Long before human ancestors began hunting large mammals for meat, a fatty diet (marrow) provided them with the nutrition to develop bigger brains, posits a new paper in Current Anthropology.

The brain requires 20 percent of a human's energy when resting; by comparison, an ape's brain requires only 8 percent. This means that from the time of H. erectus, the human body has depended on a diet of energy-dense food-especially meat.

The Kyrgyz of the Pamir Mountains in northern Afghanistan live at a high altitude where no crops grow. Survival depends on the animals that they milk, butcher, and barter.

A study from Oxford University found that vegans have a 30 percent higher risk of bone fracture, possibly as a result of lower calcium levels in their diet.

Increasing dietary protein intake promotes weight loss through several mechanisms. On an average, dietary protein requires 20-30% of its usable energy to be expended for metabolism and/or storage as compared to 5-10% and 0-3% required by carbohydrates and dietary fats respectively. Diets high in protein promote energy expenditure through increased postprandial thermogenesis and increase total daily expenditure while preventing decline in resting energy expenditure during weight loss. Interventional studies with dietary protein have shown to promote weight loss by increasing satiety as compared to carbohydrates demonstrated an increase in satiety among participants following a high protein diet.

Carbs too is required along with good fats. But the carbs shud be from bananas n potatoes. Not from grains. In fact the proportion of carbs n proteins after workouts is 2:1 respectively. The only time apart from morning breakfast when a person can consume sugar in the form of fructose (juice n dates) is post gym.

The key is balance. Lean n unprocessed meat, low carbs, lil fats n avoidance of sugar.

Streptococcus mutans and streptococcus sobrinus responsible for plaque on teeth n responsible for heart inflammation, loves sugar.

Egg n meat proteins has the highest biological value n they consist of all the amino acids, especially Creatine Monohydrate. Milk has whey n whey provide BCAA's, best for strength n to ward off catabolism. Plant proteins lack Creatine Monohydrate n BCAA's.

When dietary intake of cholesterol goes down, liver makes more. When dietary intake of cholesterol goes up, liver makes less. And its a proven fact that the cholesterol produced by liver has bad effect on arteries n heart. So pls don't exclude eggs from our diet, especially the yolk. Yolk also has lutein n zeaxanthin, antioxidants for the health of eyes.

Sugar n excess carbs (grains) r the public enemy no. 1.

Plz watch Nigel Latta's documentary, Is Sugar the New Fat. It will take only 45 mins to showcase the horrors of excess carbs n sugar.
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