Review of Duplicity

Duplicity (2009)
A smart little industrial espionage thriller
14 October 2019
Ray Koval and Claire Stenwick meet for the first time at a party on Dubai; he attempts to seduce and ends up drugged... he works for MI-6 and she works for the CIA. Five years later he is in the private sector working for a company determined to get a jump on its rival; when he first meets his contact in the rival company he is shocked to discover it is Claire... at least it appears to that way. Via flashback we learn that they had met previously and come up with a plan to make $40,000,000 by using their skills to infiltrate companies with strong rivalries... there is just one problem; can they trust each other?

This film might not be full of action and there is no sense that lives are in danger but I rather enjoyed it. There are numerous twists and turns which make it hard to tell whether our protagonists can trust each other. Are they in love or is one, or possibly both, pretending to get the better of the other. The story effectively combines elements of heist and thriller genres in a light hearted way... we can tell it won't be too serious when an early scene shows the heads of the rival companies engaging in a slow-motion fight upon meeting. Clive Owen and Julia Roberts are on good form as our leads and the rest of the cast are solid too; Paul Giamatti was particularly fun as company boss Richard Garsik. On the down side the numerous twists became more of a tangle towards the end and while I liked aspects of the resolution I thought we needed just a bit more... to such an extent that I sat through the credits hoping for one last little scene that never came. Overall though I rather enjoyed this and would recommend it to fans of thrillers who don't want any offensive material and like a few laughs.
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