Hudson Hawk (1991)
Cute and wacky, fun!
15 July 2019
In this zany comedy, Bruce Willis stars as a cat burglar whose claim to fame is singing classic songs to time his heists. Sounds a little odd, doesn't it? Just be prepared that Hudson Hawk is a bit wacky, and you'll be in the right mindset to have a good time. I read the synopsis out loud when I rented it, and while everyone fled the room and refused to watch it with me-only a slight exaggeration-I ended up enjoying it!

When Bruce Willis gets out of prison, his parole officer asks him to steal a statue from a museum. Bruce and his good friend and partner Danny Aiello sing "Swingin' on a Star" while they break into the museum's safe, and it's so adorable! As you settle into your seats and expect the rest of the movie to be a cutesy heist-musical, Bruce gets kidnapped and forced into another robbery. Two rival gangs, one led by James Coburn and the other by Richard E. Grant, keep tabs on Bruce as he stumbles through Rome trying to keep out of trouble. As if keeping out of trouble while getting into trouble isn't complicated enough, he also romances the beautiful, mysterious Andie MacDowell, who has her own secret agenda.

The script of Hudson Hawk is very witty and quick; any movie that references David Niven as the perfect cat burglar will win me over in a wink. The pattern of the film keeps you constantly on your toes, shocking you with a bit of weirdness just when you think it's settled into a bit of consistency. Every line Richard E. Grant gets to deliver is hilarious, and his sparkling energy easily steals-and I mean that as a compliment-every scene he's in. He's delightful and charming, almost becoming a cartoon character in an equally wacky movie, and almost making you root for the bad guy.

If you're in the mood for an oddball comedy, you'll probably get a kick out of this one. You get to hear Bruce Willis and Danny Aiello sing, see some Italian scenery, and appreciate the eye candy of Andie MacDowell. Also, keep an eye out for David Caruso, Frank Stallone, Lorraine Toussaint, and Sandra Bernhard, who gets to prance around in a different, gorgeous outfit in every scene.

DLM Warning: If you suffer from vertigo or dizzy spells, like my mom does, this movie might not be your friend. There's a scene where Bruce Willis is on a hospital gurney on the freeway, and the rocking camera movement will make you sick.In other words, "Don't Look, Mom!"
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