Superman beats up the Tin Man! Sort of..
24 February 2019
Wow, the first thing that hits you about every one of these vintage Superman animations is just the sheer quality of the animation, it's so astonishingly intricate in detail and gorgeous, and the character designs and the fluidity of their movements have such an eye-catching style to them that it's almost as if one of those old time Action Comics has come to life! If that was what the Fleischer Studios were going for when they were constructing this series of shorts than bravo guys, because you really nailed it. It was amazing just what the Fleischers were really capable of with a huge budget behind them and you can see every last penny on the screen, there's always a new detail that you can notice that you might not have the first time around. I love the design of the inexorably marching and transforming robots, something about the way they all stand to attention in unison and the classic Frankenstein march does make them a little strangely unnerving! They're so spot on the perfect image of what any imaginative young kid would think of if he were to think "evil robot" and I just love them! In my opinion though what's the most dated about this short is the dialogue and slight lack of logic in some of the story.. I mean for instance the Hitler knock-off can afford to build a squadron of sophisticated, semi-autonomous powerful robots that he could probably get militarised for a vast fortune but he uses them merely to commit petty larcenies? That must be where the mad part of scientist comes in.. The shorts are beautiful works of art visually but looking for depth is like diving into a kiddie pool, you're only gonna hurt yourself! I enjoy them for that thrilling and fascinating animation, when Superman is pummelling those surrounding robots into flaming scrap metal you can feel the superpowered strength of his blows! I love how there's no doom and gloom to this Superman, he's the real Man of Steel and is the purest of heroes and saves the day in an endless march of victory and I like that idea and image, it's simplistic, some might even say dated, but it's just good old fashioned heroics and is all so upbeat and "innocent", and there's value in that kind of hero and this short animation has its own kind of appeal. Old but still a great fun little watch and a real gem of an animation. X
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