Silver Spoon (2014– )
Fast paced Revenge story with humor
5 December 2018
This is obviously not very realistic. If you're only watching it with subtitles, it's basically a waste of time. In Russian, you get the nuances of insults, humor, cynicism and so on. Story itself is powerful but weak. Plenty if plot holes and unrealistic expectations, but what did you expect.

In the end, it's enjoyable but forgettable. I wouldn't rewatch it, but enjoyed initial one. Funniest line is when he was about to signup prenup, instead of countering it with his own terms, he signs in and say that's Russian way or something like that. Upon seeing that, his future bride's father, takes it and throws it in the trash and says, no, that's the Russian way.

Enjoy the ride, while it lasts, cause u'll forget it once it's done.
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