Review of The Accused

The Accused (1988)
Partially Based on a True Story
28 October 2018
Partially based on a true story, this film begins with a young woman named "Sarah Tobias" (Jodie Foster) running out of a nightclub onto a nearby road in an attempt to flag down a passing motorist to escape from the men who had just gang-raped her. From there the scene shifts to a hospital where she then has to endure the humiliating experience of a rape examination. It's during this time that she is introduced to a woman by the name of "Kathryn Murphy" (Kelly McGillis) who works for the District Attorney's office there in Washington state and needs to know if there is enough evidence available for her to initiate a criminal trial against those who took part in the rape. But it doesn't end there as, a little while later, she also has to consider whether to prosecute some other men who cheered the rapists on. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an interesting film which bore a loose resemblance to an actual case that happened in Massachusetts in 1983. Be that as it may, from what I understand the rather graphic rape scene proved to be quite traumatic for some of the actors involved and for her performance Jodie Foster was awarded an Academy Award for Best Actress. That being said, while I thought that this was a pretty good film, I recommend it for mature audiences only.
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