From the "Tales from the Darkside" TV series
4 September 2018
From the "Tales from the Darkside" TV series

"Stephen King's Golden Tales" is a compilation of five episodes from the "Tales from the Darkside" TV series, of which only one actually is an adaptation of King's story. I have no idea on what basis these episodes are selected because their quality is rather uneven and, as for the entire series, which I recently watched, the average score is somewhere around


Tales from the Darkside (1983-1988)

Few gems mixed with a bunch of nonsense (11 November 2017)

Although there are some real masterpieces, most of it is just mediocre and there are even some episodes that make 20 minutes seem like an eternity. Still, I recommend this show because good ones are worthy of getting through the bad ones to see them.

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