Enjoyably bonkers sci-fi from Luc Besson
10 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As this film opens we learn how the International Space Station gradually grew in size and importance until its gravity started to affect the Earth; It is pushed away but continues to grow ultimately becoming Alpha; a city in space that supports beings from a thousand planets. We then see the idyllic Planet Mül... at least it is idyllic until a space battle leads to the planet's destruction; only a handful of locals survive. We then cut to the film's protagonists; Major Valerian and his partner Sergeant Laureline who appear to be relaxing on a beach... in fact they on a spaceship minutes from their destination. Once there Valerian is tasked with retrieving the last Mül Converter; a creature that replicates anything it eats.

This is just the start of the adventure; shortly after they return to Alpha with the Mül Converter Commander Arun Filitt is kidnapped by aliens and taken to an area of Alpha that has apparently become contaminated; anybody who investigates disappears. Valerian and Laureline are tasked with rescuing him. During this rescue they are separated and must rescue each other before finally finding the Commander and learning the truth about the planet Mül.

If you liked Luc Besson's previous sci-fi classic 'The Fifth Element' but thought it a little too restrained then this is the film for you! The story may be pretty simple but the execution gives us numerous exotic aliens and a brilliantly realised city that we swoop through as our protagonists travel through it. The special effects are top notch; some of the aliens may look a bit rubbery but that adds to their charm. Actors Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne do fine jobs as Valerian and Laureline; they might not be in line for awards but their performances suited the nature of the film. There is also a fun performance from singer Rihanna as Bubble, a shapeshifting alien. Overall I found this to a lot of fun; if you want something deep and meaningful this won't be for you but if you want good brain-in-neutral sci-fi action that is suitable for all but the youngest viewers you could be a lot worse.
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