The Force has properly Awaken
15 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The 8th chapter in the newly resurrected Star Wars series, is a rollercoaster of an adventure, filled with the unexpected fun, twist and turns that have been delightfully introduced by Rian Johnson. What you would expect is not what is given to you, in the most whimsical Star Wars film to date.

Following from the end of the Force Awakens, we find Rey attempting to bring Luke Skywalker out of hiding to help the battle against the vicious First Order, but Skywalker himself does not seek to return, as his own past has defined him as he insists on staying in the dark. Meanwhile General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) leads the resistance in escape from the First Order in deep space, where Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and Hux ( Domhnall Gleeson) won't rest till they are finally destroy them.

As a life long Star Wars fan, it was regrettable when I went to see The Force Awakens two years ago, and coming out feeling very disappointed. After a couple more views, I have been able to enjoy the film, but still find several issues with it, that haven't made it the Star Wars film for me. I have to admit though that the ending, with reveal of Rey's power and that final appearance of Mark Hamil did have me anticipating in glee for the next chapter of the series. With a darker appearance than the previous film, and a different director: Rian Johnson, I have been very excited about the promise of The Last Jedi.

As the caption "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away" emerged I had a sudden shiver of joy (as did it last time). Unfortunately soon after, I found myself thinking its was going in the same direction of the Force Awakens, with the same issues occurring.

We start with a rather choppy beginning in the establishment of our characters, that created a great disturbance in the balance of things. This was only pre-mature but stood out to ne. Again we have frequent moments of on the nose dialogue, that may sound good on paper, but through certain delivery is not. There is also have middle subplot with Finn (Jon Boyega) and new rebel character Rosa ( that doesn't really land on its feet and eventually becomes a waste of time just to fit into the 152 minute runtime.

We furthermore have the return of the endless string of laugh out loud jokes and quirks that turn it almost into comedy, charming to some maybe, but not for this fan. Star Wars at its core is film about the struggle of good vs evil which I and I'm sure many fans take seriously, but its very hard to take it serious if the film isn't half the time. Its not just the cute humour with BB-8 but there are times during critical conversation, that it appears a custard pie has to be thrown. I know if you take any Marvel film you could pick out a hundred moments of humour, but there's something about the humour in the latest Star Wars films, which just ruins it for me, it pulls me out of this fantasy and draws attention to the artificial construction.

That being said what Star Wars The Last Jedi wonderfully succeeds as a fun, action pack, adventure, character drama, and I am over joyed to say for myself, as a Star Wars film.

A Bold and original take for the Star Wars series, The Last Jedi at last becomes its very own film, in a inventive war drama, taking you places you would never expect to find yourself. From a brilliant dramatic tension between, Rey and Luke, to Ren's desperation to prove himself to Supreme Leader Snoke, and the resistance struggling to work cooperatively against the First Order. This is mostly held together by Mark Hamill's stand out performance as the broken Jedi master, in his heart-rendering eyes and stares, Hamill, perfectly embodies an aging Skywalker, lost of hope for the rest of the galaxy. This is the key heart that drives the soul of the film. Furthermore Driver brings a much stronger an more powerful performance in Kylo Ren, especially when opposite his counterpart Rey, with Daisy Ridley also bringing a more thriving performance.

Of course opposite Johnson's brialliant storytelling, is a range of fantastic action, including some sensational space dog fights, planet battles and as always exhilarating lighsaber battles. The Last Jedi, almost never rests in its continuous array of action making it one of the most action packed Star Wars films yet.

What I wanted for The Force Awakens is exactly what I got in the Last Jedi with its own story, still with certain shouts to The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, but still a new chapter to remember. As also similar to last year's spin off film Rogue One, The Last Jedi, properly begins and ends with a monumental final third act This is where the new Star Wars era finally become Star Wars for me. The film represents the change and innovation which the filmmakers are presumably planning to bring into a new Star Wars generation.

Star Wars The Last Jedi has now thankfully awakened the force in me, as to appreciate this new Star Wars era. It does still suffer from a several flaws within narrative structure, and my personal quarrels, but managed to bring out the real Star Wars fan in me. An incredible and enjoyable watch, The force is very strong with this one.
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