Review of Miami Vice

Miami Vice (1984–1989)
Sunshine noir
13 February 2017
I didn't catch "Miami Vice" when it originally aired (too young) but when I did, it was when I could appreciate its cultural impact. This *was* the '80s, or at least the MTV version of it; and that's exactly why I fell so hard for this show. For one thing, it created a sense of mood like nobody's business. No matter what Crockett and Tubbs were investigating, there as always a music video to capture the state mind. But there was substance to back up the style; this show covered some heavy stuff. And production values to match; even on the TV screen, this feels more cinematic than its contemporaries.

For years, I'd heard of "Miami Vice" as a zeitgeist-capturing beast rich in cop-show angst and flashy style; but in the end, it's a thoroughly entertaining plunge into the lives of two undercover cowboys and their vibrant surroundings. And you can't beat that soundtrack.

My favorite TV show for very good reason. All I need is to hear a piece of Jan Hammer synth and I'm right back there on the gold coast.

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