Review of Jump

Jump (II) (2012)
21 January 2017
Jump is a low budget Irish film that invites comparisons with Doug Liman's 'Go.'

It is a multi narrative crime story that you see from different perspectives, time period and involves chance encounters and near misses.

It is New Year's Eve in Derry, Greta dressed like an angel and a daughter of a gangster who after a night of partying has left her friends behind and is looking to jump from a bridge.

Walking by is Pearse, bloodied after being beaten up by a gangster, looking for his dodgy brother who might have been killed but he encounters Greta and wants to stop her from jumping. As you can guess it was Greta's father who sent two of his goons to beat up Pearse.

As the film progresses we see that throughout New Years Eve, these various characters criss crossed each other and were somehow connected.

This is the type of film ushered in by Quentin Tarantino in the mid 1990s. It has a kinetic energy, some black humour, violence but the characters are thinly developed and the film has a short running time which suggests there was not much to the story.
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