DeVito brilliant
8 September 2016
Larry 'the Liquidator' Garfield (Danny DeVito) is an unsentimental corporate raider. His next takeover target is New England Wire & Cable. The family firm is run by kindly Andrew Jorgenson (Gregory Peck) and started by his father. He runs it with his wife Bea Sullivan (Piper Laurie) and right-hand man Bill Coles (Dean Jones). They call Bea's corporate finance lawyer daughter Kate Sullivan (Penelope Ann Miller) for help. Larry is completely taken with the spunky confident Kate. He tries to woo her while taking over her stepfather's company.

This is Wall Street done by Frank Capra. The best is Danny DeVito. He is brilliant in these types of roles. He is able to be ruthless jerks but in a lovable way. Gregory Peck, Penelope Ann Miller, and everybody else are terrific. It's fun and charming. It may not be hard enough but it works in that Capra-esque way.
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