A Must for Springsteen Fans
16 May 2016
Bruce Springsteen: Video Anthology 1978-1988 (1989)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Any fan of Bruce Springsteen will certainly love watching this program, which collects his music videos up to this point in his career. The majority of the videos come from the Born in the U.S.A. and Tunnel of Love albums but that's not really a bad thing when both albums were so great.

To me the greatest video here is still the Brian DePalma directed Dancing in the Dark, which is still quite powerful even today. This has to be one of the greatest written pop songs in the history of music and the video perfectly captures the mood and spirit of a Springsteen show with a young Courteney Cox getting up on stage for a dance. I love the song I'm on Fire but I must admit that I've always found the music video to be a bit cheesy but hey, at least the song is great! I really liked the Tunnel of Love videos and especially how laid back and much more personal they were with Tougher Than the Rest really standing out.

There are also the greatest hits video of Born to Run that still manages to get me pumped up no matter how many times I watch it. Both War and Fire are still catchy songs and are given nice videos. Obviously fans have probably watched this countless times over the decade but this package (later redone with more songs) is certainly a must.
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