Knight Rider (2008–2009)
Annoyingly, this isn't actually that bad.......
2 April 2016
So having been a child of the 80's where Knight Rider, The A Team, and other such Glen Larson staples were a religion for me I sat down with the full DVD season 1 box set of this remake fully prepared to growl and hate my way through the entire thing.

Annoyingly, frustratingly, and hating myself when I admit it, this wasn't actually as bad as I was expecting.

Yes granted the best way to look positively at this rendition is to not actually compare it it the first run, and especially not the god awful other attempted reboots since the ending of the 4 season run of the original.

The first second you see B list movie staple Bruce Davison in the cast list you know you aren't dealing with the likes of shawshank or schindlers list.

That not withstanding, the series itself has some amusing moments, and Val Kilmer replacing Bill Daniels as KITT isn't as bad as many would expect either.

Yes its shameless lower primetime shenanigans and is completely filled with bare skin heavy pretty girls and leading man handsome men all giving pouty looks and eyelid heavy looks just off camera at every opportunity but when its such blatant americana like it is, this can be overlooked if not forgiven.

The car itself is well designed, the mustang being a very good choice. However the transforming abilities are just a step too far for the suspension of belief for me.

A welcome return was the appearance of KARR with the original voice talents as well.

When you watch this you'll need to be aware of the first series, but try not to cast an opinion based on the warm memories you may have of it as a child.

Justin Bruening is a valiant attempt to replicate the Michael Knight character and is fleshed out in terms of back character a little more than David Hasslehoff was but still, its a channel 5 type budget show so you aren't expecting george clooney levels of talent.

Speaking of the Hoff, his cameo makes a welcome addition to the pilot and is strangely subdued and serious which you wouldn't expect.

All in all, a fun show but not one you'd really expect to be renewed even tho a second season may be fun.

Watch it on a weekend afternoon when you have nothing better to do, its really not that bad and you'll enjoy it if you want a brainless few hours just to enjoy some typical man time with cars, explosions and the like.
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