Review of 11.22.63

11.22.63 (2016)
All I can say is WOW.
1 March 2016
Stephen King is one of my favorite authors, however his movies and TV stints have left a lot to be desired with a few exceptions (Shawshank, Green Mile). I have to say, this is his best work yet, and it's not even a movie. I get to enjoy this for a while to come and am very excited to do so.

11.22.63 is about a man who has time traveled to the 60's. And what would you do if you could time travel to the 60's? Well save JFK of course! I won't go into any detail as you have to watch it yourself.

The acting, production, direction, scenery, everything is absolutely perfect. It is one of the few shows I could not find one single flaw in, and I'm 3 episodes in!

If you have a chance, see this gem, you will be pleased.

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