The Shannara Chronicles (2016–2017)
A long wait with mixed emotions
9 January 2016
I've been looking forward to this for years. Terry mentioned it several times to me in passing but it seemed that he would not allow anyone to pick up Elfstones without proper support. It would take a team with vision and integrity to make the story come alive, and Terry was waiting for the right combination. It appears that MTV was that group.

Everyone needs to lighten up a bit. I was disappointed in LOTR when it hit the screen. My disappointment was mostly centered around the world not being "fantastic" enough for my imagination. And although both series (LOTR and Shannara) are centered around the concept of "earth" as the physical location, LOTR was missing the "fantasy" piece (IMO) that a movie like Neverending Story and/or Legend had in spades. It took several movies to really bring out the best of LOTR's vision; likely due to budget restrictions. Return of the King was by far the most spectacular of the 3 movies in regard to "fantasy". Likely because the movies were fairing so well at the box office. So on that note, I applaud MTV for doing a great job on the sets and CGI. At some point, going down the CGI road is a never-ending money-pit and generates just as many complaints from avid fans that want more story (like the previous Star Wars movies.) It is true that the elves are just humans with pointy ears so far, and I'm waiting to see how fantastic the rest of the races are portrayed. One interesting observation was the portrayal of Trolls having "gas masks" of sort. Akin to a Steampunk future. This interests me because it appears MTV is setting up a link to Armageddons Children. Having commented on that; I was surprised to see how much of the "current" world is in The Shannara Chronicles. I always imagined the "Great War Of The Races" was thousands of years in the future and not much, if any, of the old world existed. In TCOS, Wil and Amberle are already walking past old rusted out cars and buildings. Whose to say the Seattle Space Needle will still even be standing not unlike the twin towers? Especially after the Great War of the races? In that regard I think the vision of TCOS was a little short-sighted. I would have liked to see a world more "made-over" by natural disasters caused perhaps by human influence and war. For instance, I hope the Dragonsteeth mountains are not just a rename of some mountain currently in New Zealand. I would like to see something that cannot be witnessed on our current planet...mountains that rise 50-70,000 feet type thing. Because that is what fantasy is all about. Letting our imaginations run wild. The Chronicles of Shannara is just that, Fantasy. Somewhat humanlike races, along with humans, living in a totally different world... a world we shouldn't be able to recognize any longer as the one we now live in.

Putting the book to screen is daunting because it begins to remove my personal rendition of the book and characters, and it now forces me to accept a lesser portrayal of the world of Shannara simply because the screen writers and directors lack the vision and budget. However, would I rather my most beloved author and good friend never see this opportunity to expand his audience, with the hopes that a new generation will find the same fantastic world I did over 30 years ago? I could never deny him that opportunity, nor should I cringe when evaluating all the petty, small things while watching the show. Even if the show fails miserably... I'll always have the Elfstones waiting for me on my book shelf, signed over to me by the man himself... Terry Brooks. If the show finds wings and sprouts a new audience...who knows?, we may see many more years of Shannara movies and TV shows...and that can never be a bad thing.

Footnote: I own every book Terry has ever published. 1st editions, in triplicate. All signed. Along with any anthologies he's been party to writing. Along with any books written by other artists (Rowena & Keith Parkinson) 1st editions, signed by Terry. I have all of his books on tape, cd, etc... all signed by Terry. When my wife & I married, Terry & Judine were invited to our wedding. It has been one of the great privileges of my life to have known them. We have many hand-written letters and Christmas Cards from the Brooks' and they reside in a special bookcase reserved just for Terry Brooks. So, in that regard I feel I have "some" input since I've read the Elfstones over 20 times along with the rest of his material.

It's a great show for me to watch. I know all the characters intimately, calling them by name even before their names are mentioned, and I'm immersed in a Shannara-world I recognize, but am excited by! Why? Because now there are new things to see.
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