Children's Fairy tale in Space
5 January 2016
There are two major problems with this film... 1) the plot 2) the acting

I think this film is so popular largely because of childhood nostalgia. It is essentially a children's film.

Spoiler? The Plot: When stripped to its bare bones the plot is essentially... princess gets kidnapped by evil sorcerer. Wannabe knight is trained by wizard to rescue princess from sorcerer. Wizard is killed by sorcerer. Knight comes back and destroys sorcerer's dragon (aka death-star). With the exception of death-star = dragon, each character is referred to according to those titles. Obi Wan is called a wizard by Luke's uncle. Darth Vader is referred to as having sorcerer's ways. Luke is to train to be a Jedi Knight... and Leia is a princess.

A typical children's fairy tale story... and the twist being that it is set in space.

The acting at times is so wooden that it is cringe worthy.

Everyone has fond memories of this film from their childhood... and the reason why people don't like Return of the Jedi or the prequels is largely because they have grown up and have forgotten that this was a children's movie and was merchandised as a child's movie. However, if you look at it again on its merits as a film... it is actually quite a poor over-rated movie. It's one saving grace other than nostalgia is the model making and special effects for the time of its release were impressive but no more so than some previous sci-fi movies.
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