Great Movie
1 November 2015
This is a great movie.

I don't ask much to call a movie great. All it requires is a well-told story, engaging performances, watchable images, appropriate soundtrack and editing... that everyone do their jobs competently and it show me something I have not seen before. So about one movie in thirty does it and keeps me coming back to see the same old same old done again and again. Most of those tend to be older movies, simply because after more than a century of making movies, it's hard to find something new to say to an audience. The great ones keep me looking and not learning Spanish so I can read DON QUIXOTE in the original. This movie justifies my not learning a new language.

There are many intelligent parts to the screenplay, which has serious things to say about governing and democracy. Let me also note that there are several Oscar-worthy performances in this one, including Miss Bullock's, Mr. Thornton's, Mr. Almeda's and a small, compelling one by Zoe Kazan. In fact, there are several other performances that would be Oscar-worthy, but Mr. Green's direction is so assured that everyone is excellent. This is a fine, funny, harrowing movie and if it not considered a great one by some people, they are simply mistaken.
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