Delicious (1931)
Gaynor is woefully miscast and just awful in this film...which is crazy considering how popular she was when she made this.
19 September 2015
In 1931, America was in love with Janet Gaynor. Not only was this lady very popular in films, but she had already won the first Oscar for Best Actress and played a sweet, diminutive sort of character. However, because she was so beloved, it presents a problem in "Delicious". The filmmakers picked her to play a part way beyond her abilities--a Scottish woman with an accent that comes and goes and sounds too much like a cute little cartoon character! It's ridiculous--and almost Scottish Betty Boop-ish!! I am pretty sure had it been made a few years after, the accents wouldn't have been this bad, but it was only a few years after talkies debuted and stilted dialog and bad accents were pretty common.

As for the film, it's an episodic picture set aboard a cruise ship full of immigrants heading to America. The idea of such a film is great--since this is something most viewers in the US could relate to. But the story comes off as very lightweight and, at times, clichéd...and incredibly dated and old fashioned. The singing is particularly bad. While many of Gaynor's films (particularly those with Charles Farrell--who is also in this film) are considered classics, this one is pretty much awful.
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