Winter's Tale (2014)
Couldn't get through it
11 September 2015
This book was my very favorite book for 20 years and I was actually really enthusiastic about it being made into a movie, just so that people who hadn't read the book could share the fantastic story. After it came out, I heard that it wasn't very good, so I delayed watching it for quite a while and finally sat down tonight to give it a try. I lasted exactly 32 minutes, until a scene with Pearly caused me to give it up (no spoiler - just a section where the book and movie parted ways forever). I couldn't believe the direction they were taking the movie and I just couldn't let it corrupt my memories of the book. As a matter of fact, I've started re-reading it now, just to get that 30 minutes of movie out of my brain. This is a review for people who've read the book, although I don't think I would have liked the movie even if I hadn't read it. I am especially sad that people who see the movie will think it's like the book, which it isn't. And also sad that in my lifetime no one else is likely to attempt a "real" version of it that really does follow the storyline of the book.
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