Play Time (1995)
Play Time 1994
31 July 2015
Monique Parent and Jennifer Burton are at play while the boys are away, doing so through mostly turning each other on by pleasuring themselves and getting naked with each other. Their hubbies are often the beneficiary of getting all hot and bothered. But when Burton eyes Parent's husband, and the two have an affair, the friendly relations get a bit strained. Erotica with numerous scenes of sensual Burton and curious Parent getting naked, touching themselves, and getting cozy with each other. No lesbian scenes, just mostly chatting it up, getting close but not going all the way, only at the end hinting at what was to come but we never get to see it (Argh!). Both ladies are delicious, but Burton heats up the screen while Parent is an eyeful of sexy. Parent in her prime (or even now, really) is reason enough to see this, but the kiss she shares with Burton alone is worth trying to find this somewhere. The guys are your basic white collar types with hot wives. A key masturbation scene in the pool room while the pool guy is outside is scorching. The uninhibited and exhibitionistic nature of Burton is a highlight of the film. Parent becoming influenced by her is the crux of the plot here; it is basically Burton having sex with every member of the cast (again, only getting close enough to Parent to tease us of what we can only picture in our mind and fantasy).
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